Walter May for Judge

Here Are The Facts

I’m not surprised that in the closing days of this election my opponent and his surrogates have gone negative using innuendos, distortions, half truths and down right deception in a desperate attempt to attack me personally while deflecting from his own record. He started the weekend with a direct mail piece attacking me. And then …

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Bienville Bound!

I’d like to thank Sheriff John Ballance and the Bienville Parish Sheriff’s Department for letting me come visit with them yesterday and for letting Chief Deputy Randy Price and me share war stories about the murder cases we worked together when I was DA. It’s always great to see my good friend Sheriff John Ballance. …

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Hurricane Help

I truly appreciated the invitation to assist in providing and passing out fruit and bottled water to those still working to overcome the effects of the hurricane. I was excited to greet old classmates Lee Glands and Mary Jo Bradford.

Visiting Arcadia

This week I had the pleasure of attending the Bienville Parish School Board meeting. Being a former teacher and coach, and having three daughters in education, I have the utmost respect for the wonderful people in charge of our children’s and grandchildren’s education. I’d also like to congratulate Domonic Williams on being awarded the 2019-2020 …

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